Opera Classic Low Profiling Bed

The Classic Low Profiling Bed offers optimal assistance to those who may experience difficulty getting in or out of bed. Its adjustable height feature optimizes mattress positioning for safe transfers. Moreover, if you’re at risk of falling out of bed, this bed can lower to an ultra-low 22cm from the floor, minimizing injury in the event of a fall. This bed’s design improves bedroom safety, offering peace of mind and a restful night’s sleep.


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Safety First

Bedroom safety is a serious matter, especially for those at risk of falling out of bed. By raising the bed to an ultra-low level, the potential damage from a fall is significantly reduced compared to a higher bed height. Don’t compromise on safety – prioritize lowering bed height for those in need.


Introducing the Opera® Classic – the perfect bed for those with respiratory or postural ailments. Equipped with a state-of-the-art Trendelenburg function, this bed can tilt in both directions, promoting blood flow and alleviating pressure build up. Take control of your health and comfort with the Opera® Classic Low.

Create the bed you need..

Personalize the Classic Low bed to meet your unique design preferences and care needs. With options for head/foot boards, varying wood colors, and the option to include falls prevention side rails, you can configure the bed to perfectly suit your individual requirements.

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